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we'll go gedder for ya, bud

or call 613 805 5909


Everything You Need To Know.


Click On The ORDER Button

Above To Order

We're offering pick up from all of your favourite local Arnprior stores.


Fill Out Your GROCERY LIST and Choose Your Delivery Date And Time

All in 1 simple to use form.

3. PAY

Receive An Email/Text With

Your Bill

The price is $10 for delivery plus 10% of your order.


Pay by credit/debit online, by 

email money transfer, or by cash or cheque.

4. EAT

Retreive Groceries From Your

Front Step!

Contact-free delivery of your groceries to your step or driveway.

 Where we are shopping!

What is Gedder?

gedder is a delivery service in Arnprior Ontario. We will go to the grocery store, the drugstore, liquor store or any other store you need as long as it is in town.


How Do You Get My Grocery List?

Click the Order Groceries button at the top of the website and write out your GROCERY LIST in the form provided. 


How Do I Choose A Delivery Time?

The GROCERY LIST form will show you all available delivery times to choose from.


What If An Item Is Out Of Stock?

Our delivery person will call or text you if there are items out of stock. 


What If I Have Food Allergies?

Let us know on your form in the 'anything else we should know?' section. 



When Do I Pay?

You'll receive an email and text with your bill as soon as your gedder driver leaves the grocery store, on route to your home. 


How Do I Pay?

We have 3 payment options:


1. Credit/Debit - Click the link on your invoice to pay online using the card of your choice. You DO NOT need a PayPal account to use this payment method. 


2. Email Money Transfer - Send your payment to


3. Cash/Cheque - Leave cash or a cheque in an envelope and text or email your gedder driver to let them know where they can pick it up. 


How Much Does Delivery Cost?

We charge $10 for delivery, plus 10% of your order. Extra stops are $10 each.

Have questions? Message us.

Thanks, we'll be in touch!

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